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Motivating participation in digital teaching scenarios

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

School as an institution frames the use of digital media in classes within fixed lesson plans aimed at the dissemination and appropriation of knowledge, and all within clear hierarchical structures. This means that there has been little room in the daily life of schools for the possibilities offered by tablets, apps and digital infrastructures to be impartially and freely explored. In order to test and experiment with alternative, participative teaching scenarios using digital media that meet the needs of pupils and teachers, projects are required that open pathways for creative, innovative work with digital media, and that are distinct from the firmly established patterns of the school day, which centre on achievement and performance. The initiative: ‘Motivating participation in digital teaching scenarios’ is developing project ideas that will fit into everyday school life.

The process will be participative and dialogic. During the project the participating schools will develop digital lesson formats and multi-media teaching modules. The GEI will provide expertise through the ‘Basement – the digital lab’, which will be available to them as an assessment-free workspace where everyone can work on an equal basis. The schools will be supported by university students with whom they can discuss ideas and who can supply information on current media and education research.

An accompanying study will focus on the development of digital teaching modules. This project will examine the forms of digital participation used by teachers and students and will explore the respective levels of motivation: Which types and levels of motivation are linked to which forms of digital participation?







"Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig"