Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dagmar Meyer
Project leader in "MoSe 4.0" and "ImmerTec"
Dagmar Meyer ist Professorin an der Fakultät Elektrotechnik der Ostfalia.
Sie ist außerdem Vertrauensdozentin der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes für die Ostfalia, Mitglied des Senates und in der Fakultät Elektrotechnik Forschungsbeauftragte, Betreuung der China-Kooperationen, Beauftragte für den gemeinsamen Studiengang Digital Technologies der TU Clausthal und der Ostfalia.
Aktuelle Forschungsinteressen
Assistive Technologien für Menschen mit körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen aller Altersgruppen
Academic career
- Since 09/2000 Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Ostfalia: Control Engineering, Software Engineering
- 1999 - 2000 Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Ostfalia
- 1995 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at TU Braunschweig, overall grade "very good", dissertation "Comparison of classical and modern control methods using the example of a shaft hoisting system", first reviewer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. W. Leonhard
- 1991 - 1994 Research assistant at the Institute for Control Engineering at the TU Braunschweig
- Research areas: Non-linear modelling, real-time simulation, application of robust and fuzzy controllers in electrical drive technology
Industrial activity
- 1994 - 1999 Development engineer, software project manager and architect at Siemens AG, Automation & Drives Division, Erlangen