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Denis Nagel

PhD in "People, Digital Intelligence and Recycling – Shaping Urban Life Together"

My name is Denis Nagel. I was born on the 20 September 1993 in Wittingen, Lower Saxony. After finishing High School at the Gymnasium Hankensbüttel in 2012, I started studying computer science at Technische Universität Braunschweig. There I developed a high interest in databases and information systems in general. After successfully finishing my bachelor thesis at the institute for information systems (IfIS) (2017) I took the opportunity to start working as student assistant in the research of the institute. This allowed me to get a first glimpse at the scientific work during my master studies. During this time I also had the chance to participate in a few scientific publications. After receiving my master degree at the end of 2019 I decided to stay in research and as such I am employed at IfIS as a scientific assistance since March of 2020.

Currently my work focuses on the topic of narrative intelligence. In times of big data it gets increasingly difficult to extract important information from ever increasing amounts of data, extracted from experiments, surveys or studies. I therefore try to answer the question how argumentations in the form of narrative structures are expressed in vast data collections and how we can identify them using automated approaches.


Kroll, H.D. NagelM. Kunz, and W. - T. Balke, "Demonstrating Narrative Bindings: Linking Discourses to Knowledge Repositories", 4th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story@ECIR2021), Lucca, Italy, CEUR, 04/2021. Abstract 


Kroll, H.D. Nagel, and W. - T. Balke, "Modeling Narrative Structures in Logical Overlays on top of Knowledge Repositories", 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER), Vienna, Austria, Springer, 11/2020. Abstract 

Kroll, H.J. - C. KaloD. NagelS. Mennicke, and W. - T. Balke, "Context-Compatible Information Fusion for Scientific Knowledge Graphs", 24th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), Lyon, France, Springer, 08/2020. Abstract 


Mennicke, S.J. - C. KaloD. NagelH. Kroll, and W. - T. Balke, "Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries", IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Macau, China, IEEE, 04/2019. Abstract 


Kroll, H.D. Nagel, and W. - T. Balke, "BAFREC: Balancing Frequency and Rarity for Entity Characterization in Open Linked Data", Proceedings of the ACM CIKM 2018 Workshops, Turin, Italy, 10/2018. Abstract 

Mennicke, S.J. - C. KaloD. NagelH. Kroll, and W. - T. Balke, "Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries (Supplement)", CoRR, Technical Report, vol. 1810.09355:, 10/2018. 


Mennicke, S.D. NagelJ. - C. KaloN. Aumann, and W. - T. Balke, "Reconstructing Graph Pattern Matches Using SPARQL", 15th Lernen Wissen Daten Analysen (LWDA) Conference, Rostock, Germany, 09/2017. Abstract