Olaf Mumm is deputy director of the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (ISU) at the TU Braunschweig and senior researcher. Olaf Mumm studied architecture and urban design at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Olaf has over ten years of experience at the interface between urban planning and urban design in practice and research. From 2009 to 2014, he worked as a project architect at the Urban INDEX Institute in Darmstadt, where he was involved in various projects in the field of urban development applying innovative methods. He was extensively involved in the development of an indicator-based methodology for participatory sustainable urban development and design. Prior to this, Olaf Mumm worked as a consultant for the Urban Development Department of the Swiss Development Cooperation SDC in Southeast Asia (based in Hanoi) from 2003-2004. Since 2014, Olaf has been researching and teaching at the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. He is involved in inter- and transdisciplinary as well as design-based research projects focusing on urban phenomena, types and systems, urbanization, mobility, human-centered urban development, and data-driven and digital methods and tools for analysis, planning and design.
Carlow, V. M.; Gräser, Y.; Hagedorn, A.; Löhdefink, M.; Mumm, O. Move in the City – Ansätze datengetriebener Analyse von Stadträumen und die Umkehr des Assistenz-Gedankens in partizipativer Stadtentwicklung. In E.-W. Luthe, S. V. Müller, & I. Schiering (Eds.), Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. Heidelberg: Springer VS, 2021 (accepted for publication).
Juraschek, M.; Boland, K.; Mumm, O.; Mennenga, M.; Dietze, S.; Carlow, V.M.; Herrmann, C. Mapping the potential for urban-industrial symbiosis with simplified data acquisition for the integration into urban planning scenarios. Industrial Ecology, under review.
Zhu, P.; Mumm, O.; Zeringue, R.; Endres, E.; Carlow, V. M. Buildings related resource use in Chinese eastern cities and a pathway to a more sustainable future – Qingdao building stock as a case study. Applied Energy, under review.
Abou Jaoude, G.; Mumm, O.; Carlow, V. M. An Overview of Scenarios and Scenario Approaches: Towards a Guide for Urban Design and Planning. Journal of Planning Literature, under review.
Carlow, V. M.; Mumm, O.; Neumann, D.; Schmidt, N.; Siefer, T. TOPOI MOBILITY: Accessibility and settlement types in the urban rural gradient of Lower Saxony – Opportunities for sustainable mobility. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 2021 (accepted for publication).
Abou Jaoude, G.; Mumm, O.; Murad, M.; Carlow, V.M. The Future of Berlin. The Urban Transcripts Journal 2021.
Mühlbach, A.-K.; Mumm, O.; Zeringue, R.; Redbergs, O.; Endres, E.; Carlow, V.M. TOPOI RESOURCES: Quantification and Assessment of Global Warming Potential and Land-Uptake of Residential Buildings in Settlement Types along the Urban–Rural Gradient—Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4099.
Carlow, V.M.; Mumm, O.; Neumann, D.; Schneider, A.-K.; Schröder, B.; Sedrez, M.; Zeringue, R. TOPOI - a method for analysing settlement structures and their linkages in an urban rural fabric. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2021, under review.
Strohbach, M. W.; Döring, A. O.; Möck, M.; Sedrez, M.; Mumm, O.; Schneider, A.-K.; Weber, S; Schröder, B. The “Hidden Urbanization”: Trends of Impervious Surface in Low-Density Housing Developments and Resulting Impacts on the Water Balance. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7(29). 2019.
Tempelmeier, N.; Rietz, Y.; Lishchuk, I.; Kruegel, T.; Mumm, O.; Carlow, V.M.; Dietze, S.; Demidova, E. Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions, 2019.
Carlow, V.M.; Schmidt, V.; Neumann, D.; Mumm, O. Projektakademie Ländlicher Raum. In Handbuch Innovative Lehre, Kauffeld, S., Othmer, J., Eds. Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 2019.
Appelhans, N.; Abou Jaoude, G.; Carlow, V.M.; Mumm, O.; Murad, M.; Schröder, B.; Trapp, J.H. An interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Open City. Trialog Open City 2019, 136.