Tom Lorenz
PhD Student in "Cultural participation at the Museum I"
Tom Lorenz is currently working on his doctorate in the field of privacy in location-based services. In the project "Cultural Participation in Museums", he is investigating the potential of mobile applications, location-based services and augmented reality. He completed his bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Wolfenbüttel, with a focus on Mobile System Enginnering. Besides his scientific work, he has been involved in RoboCup for many years. He is team leader in Ostfalia's robotics AG WF-Wolves, which participates in the RoboCup's Humanoid League. From 2018 to 2021, he conducted research on privacy by design in the context of inclusion through digitalisation in the BMBF project "SmarteInclusion - Smart Devices to Promote Inclusion in the First Labour Market".