A contribution to empirically based theory formation in the field of human-machine interaction with Generative Artificial Intelligence in historical-political education
The "GeschAIt" doctoral project is part of the Department of Media Transformations at the Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI). The aim of the project is to make an empirically based contribution to the development of the theory of human-machine interaction in historical-political education. To this end, participatory expert interviews (students, teachers, didacticians, prompt engineers) will be used to develop suitable tasks for dealing with historical-political topics using (text-)generative artificial intelligence (AI). The resulting task material will then be processed by students in the “basement” - the GEI's digital laboratory - with the help of generative AI in a special teaching/learning setting. The processing of the tasks is observed ethnomethodologically according to practice-theoretical premises. Here, the focus is particularly on student practices in dealing with generative AI in order to profile them in the post-digital age at the interface of everyday digital practices (“doing AI”) in combination with subject and task practices in the historical-political educational setting (“doing history”). The purposes are twofold: First, the insights gained will contribute to dedicated theory building. Second, the praxeological approach will be used to rethink historical-political learning through the praxeological approach and to make it more needs-oriented and sustainable.